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Student Reflection: Grade 8 Visits Nation’s Capital

Daniel Abbo, Grade 8, writes about last week’s trip to Washington, DC., where students explored museums and landmarks. Thank you to Senator Ted Cruz for hosting a private Q&A with our students. Read more below. 

The Grade 8 Washington D.C. trip will forever be with me. The trip is fun, educational, and exciting. Having the opportunity to see our nation’s capital with friends and teachers is an unforgettable experience.

Washington D.C. is a beautiful city with unbelievable attractions such as the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, and The Holocaust Museum. All attractions were exceptional and educational, but the activity that left the greatest impression on me to was The Holocaust Museum. The Holocaust Museum is an eye-opening experience that spoke to me. This museum takes you through the story of The Holocaust explaining and visually depicting the horrors that the Jewish people endured at the hand of the Nazis. As I toured the museum, I gained a deeper understanding of what life for Jews was like before WWII, how they suffered as their lives changed after Hitler came into power and I was able to gain a deeper understanding on how the Jewish population in Europe was treated during this terrible chapter in history.    

As I head out of middle school, I can conclude my past three years of excitement with a trip that will never be forgotten. The Washington D.C. trip is a trip that is fun, yet educational. The Holocaust is an event in history that will live on as the worst mass killing of a culture. By reliving the experience and seeing the troubles that our ancestors went through, we can commemorate the lives of the millions of people who died for being proud of being Jewish.
-Daniel Abbo, Grade 8