
Affording Scheck Hillel

Updates regarding financial aid for the 2025-2026 school year will be released later this fall. We encourage you to review last year's processes to better understand our financial aid application. 

Financial Aid Application Process: 2024-2025

Scheck Hillel Community School makes financial aid available to all students who attend the school. The Financial Aid assistance is determined based on financial need subsequent to the evaluation of the financial aid application and supporting documents. 
Scheck Hillel awards financial aid based on demonstrated need to families of accepted students in grades K through 12, and assists families of qualified students who would benefit from the school’s program, but who otherwise would not be able to afford to attend. The student’s admission process is separate from the financial aid application so that the student is guaranteed consideration on his own merits, not on the family’s ability to pay tuition.
Awards are not intended to cover 100% of the cost of attending Scheck Hillel and are given for one year. 

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Meital Aharon

    Meital Aharon 

    Financial Aid Manager
    305.931.2831 x820

List of 7 items.


    To assist the school's Financial Aid Committee in determining financial need, the school uses Blackbaud Financial Aid Management, an outside service that collects and processes all financial aid paperwork. If you have any questions or issues regarding your application, we encourage you to reach out to Blackbaud Financial Aid Management's Customer Support at or (800) 360-8027. Once your application is submitted, you will need to contact Customer Support in order to revise your application.

    Requests for financial assistance must be completed annually. In addition, students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0, and all financial obligations with the school must be current.

    Please upload all supporting documents below to your Blackbaud Financial Aid Management application.
    1. Copy of your 2022 tax returns personal and business, including all Schedules K-1 (if you are a shareholder in an S Corporation or a partner in a Partnership).  2022 tax return are required as soon as they are available.
    2. Copies of your 2023 W-2 for both parents.
    3. Copies of supporting documents for Social Security income, welfare, child support, food stamps, workers’ compensation and TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families).
    4. Complete copy of your most recent  Credit Report for both parents issued within the past 30 days by any of the 3 major credit bureaus. (You may be eligible to obtain a free credit report at
    5. Copy of most recent residential mortgage statement, or most recent residential lease statement as of December 2023.
    6. Copy of 2023 Real Estate Tax Bill for primary residence.
    7. Copy of the most recent monthly car statements as of December 2023 for all household vehicles and all car registrations.
    8. Complete copies of all card statements, business and personal, that will appear in your credit report, for the last 6 months.
    9. Complete copies of all monthly bank statements and connected bank accounts, that transfers are being made into and from, for the last 6 months.
    10. If you indicate that you have another child in college or other tuition-charging schools, provide tuition statement or contract of his/her 2023 enrollment.
    11. All applicants must apply for Step Up for Students scholarships or a Florida state scholarship and submit proof.  All applicants coming from public school must also apply for Oorah and Chinuch Yehudi scholarships.
    12. The school may ask for additional information at any time.
  • Key Dates

    • December 7, 2023: Financial Aid applications open
    • January 11, 2024: Deadline for completion of Financial Aid application and all required documents uploaded for ALL students
    • April 8, 2024: Financial Aid awards announced 

    Should a divorced family be seeking financial assistance for their child, both the custodial and non-custodial parents must complete separate Blackbaud Financial Aid Management applications. Scheck Hillel considers the assets and income of both natural parents, if living, before considering any award. A copy of the divorce decree must be submitted to Meital Aharon.
  • State Private School Scholarships (Step Up/AAA)

    Scheck Hillel is a participating school with the Step-Up and AAA Scholarships. These programs provide private school scholarships* to qualified families. Parents applying for financial aid at Scheck Hillel must apply for the following two scholarships. Please check the websites for the 2024-2025 application dates. 

    Step Up / Family Empowerment Program
    Click here to learn more about how the scholarship works and to view the income chart.

    AAA Scholarship
    Click here to learn more about how the scholarship works. 
    Proof of application must be submitted via email to Scheck Hillel's Financial Aid Office

    Please visit Teach Florida for eligibility and details.

    Details about applying your scholarship to your Scheck Hillel tuition.

    *Awarded state scholarships are sent to the school on a quarterly basis.


    Applications completed after the specified deadline of January 11, 2024, may be considered as long as funds remain available. Amounts awarded to this final group may be reduced as our budget nears exhaustion.
  • Jewish Education SCHOLARSHIPS

    All families applying for Financial Aid must apply to at least one state scholarship.
    Additional Scholarships

    Chinuch Yehudi