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List of 1 items.
Scheck Hillel in the News
On Super Bowl Sunday, look for the Jewish flag football player on 50-yard line
(Forward.com February 10, 2022)
North Miami Beach Teacher Nancy Penchev Gets Creative With Tech To Keep Her Students Engaged
(CBS Miami, September 28, 2020)
Despite pandemic, Scheck Hillel students honored with 64 scholar awards
(South Florida Jewish Journal / Sun-Sentinel, September 17, 2020)
Scheck Hillel Community School Teacher & Osmo Ambassador Nancy Penchev Offers Teachers 3 Tips To Make Remote Learning More Fun and Engaging for Students This Fall
(Yahoo Finance, August 20, 2020).
Virtual Learning
(Private School Guide, Summer 2020)
How is the spike of COVID-19 in Florida affecting the Jewish community?
(The Jerusalem Post, July 30, 2020)
Jewish school’s students win performing arts awards
(South Florida Jewish Journal, July 16, 2020)
Top of Their Class
(Miami Herald, June 14, 2020)
Scheck Hillel presents 10th grade thesis expo online
(Jewish Journal, June 4, 2020)
South Florida Jewish schools celebrate 2020 graduates
(Jewish Journal, May 22, 2020)
Mitzvah projects keep students, seniors connected during coronavirus
(Jewish Journal, April 17, 2020)
All-Dade Boy's Soccer
(Miami Herald, April 15, 2020)
Transition to Online Learning
(Miami Herald, April 5, 2020)
Coronavirus Could Impact Graduations, South Florida High School Seniors Hold Out Hope
(CBS Miami, April 3, 2020)
(Our City Magazine, April 2020)
Bar mitzvah virtually celebrated by hundreds
(Jewish Journal, March 27, 2020)
Jewish school honored for female diversity in computer science
(Jewish Journal, March 19, 2020)
South Florida Jewish schools providing online learning while campuses close due to coronavirus
(Jewish Journal, March 13, 2020)
Scheck Hillel Earns AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award
(The Florida Jewish Home, March 12, 2020)
Blue Ribbon for Scheck
(Miami Herald, February 23, 2020)
Teaching Students About Financial Literacy
(Miami Herald, February 9, 2020)
Technology conference includes Scheck Hillel staff
(Sun Sentinel/Jewish Journal, January 23, 2020)
Heisman Honor for Scheck Hillel Student
(Miami Herald, December 12, 2019)
Thanksgiving comes early for Holocaust survivors, seniors
(Sun Sentinel/Jewish Journal, November 27, 2019)
Scheck Hillel Hosts Global Event
(Miami Herald, Novemeber 21, 2019)
Scheck Hillel Becomes 1st Florida School to Host Global Maker Day
(Florida Jewish Home, November 14, 2019)
Scheck Hillel becomes first Florida school to host annual Global Maker Day
(Jewish Journal, November 13, 2019)
Scheck Hillel becomes first Florida school to host annual Global Maker Day
(Sun Sentinel/Jewish Journal, November 7, 2019)
Scheck Hillel expands multiyear Merit Scholarship Program
(Aventura News, October 7, 2019)
Mazel Tov Scheck Hillel Community School
(Our City Aventura, October 2019)
Scheck Hillel scholarship program to include academics, arts and character
(Sun Sentinel/Jewish Journal, October 2, 2019)
Scheck Hillel Valedictorian Awarded College-Sponsored National Merit Scholarship
(The Florida Jewish Home, September 20, 2019)
Scheck Hillel students honored with 52 scholar awards
(Sun Sentinel/Jewish Journal, September 17, 2019)
Students at three Miami schools earn top honors
(Miami Herald, September 13, 2019)
Social Corner
(Private Schools Guide, August 2019)
Jewish organizations practice tikkun olam in Hurricane Dorian's wake
(Sun Sentinel/Jewish Journal, September 6, 2019)
South Florida college, high school students train to advocate for Israel
(Sun Sentinel/Jewish Journal, August 23, 2019)
Scheck Hillel Community School Named #1 Jewish Day School in Florida
(The Florida Jewish Home, August 22, 2019)
Website Ranks Scheck Hillel as Top Jewish Day School in Florida
(Florida Jewish Journal, August 20, 2019)
Scheck Hillel students, teachers present at global tech conference
(Miami Herald, August 2, 2019)
Row, Row, Row Your Boat - Scheck Hillel Student Earns Two Silvers at Rowing Competition
(Our City Magazine, August 2019)
Students Bring `Show and Tell´ to a New Level
(Our City Magazine, August 2019)
Golden Beach Resident and Hillel Freshman Eduardo Halfen Shares His Incredible Journey to Israel
(GB Living, July 2019)
Scheck Hillel students showcase technology at Philadelphia conference
(Florida Jewish Journal, July 12, 2019)
Jewish high school hosts STEM invention competition in Boca
(The Palm Beach Post, June 11, 2019)
Meet Miami-Dade’s valedictorians and salutatorians, Class of 2019
(Miami Herald, June 8, 2019)
Scheck Hillel Students Build Homes, and Empower Families Living in Poverty
(GB Living, May 2019)
Scheck Hillel to host workshop for science educators
(Florida Jewish Journal, June 04, 2019)
FrandMe hosts Student-Run Breakfast Meeting
(Miami's Community Newspapers, June 01, 2019)
Scheck Hillel Freshman Earns Two Silvers at Rowing State Competitions
(The Florida Jewish Home, May 30, 2019)
Kosker-keeping 'Chopped' winner visits North Miami Beach Jewish school
(Florida Jewish Journal, May 17, 2019)
A 13-year-old winner from 'Chopped' judged North Miami Beach school's cooking contest
(Miami Herald, May 10, 2019)
Thousands fill Marlins Park to cheer Israeli Independence Day
(Miami Herald, May 09, 2019)
Scheck Hillel Announces 2019 Academic Merit Scholarship Recipients
(The Florida Jewish Home, May 9, 2019)
Scheck Hillel exhibition showcases students' artwork
(Florida Jewish Journal, May 3, 2019)
Maximize Learning Throughout the Summer
(Private Schools Guide, Summer Camp Fun, 2019)
Introduction to Modeling Instruction - A Workshop for Science Educators
(Private Schools Guide, Spring 2019)
Happy Notes Once Again... Scheck Hillel Band Students Earn Highest Marks in District Solo & Ensemble Adjudication
(Our City Magazine, May 2019)
Resilience, Remembrance, and Reflection - Great-Grandchild of Holocaust Survivor Places in 2019 Art Contest
(Our City Magazine, May 2019)
Innovation Day for future engineers
(WPTV, May 1, 2019)
Designing Women
(Our City Magazine, April 2019)
Love and Laugh
(Our City Magazine, April 2019)
And The Awards Goes To.
..(Our City Magazine, April 2019)
Students prepare to run Business Meeting
(Miami's Community Newspapers, April 22, 2019)
Winter 2019 All-County teams: The best of Miami-Dade and Broward
(Miami Herald, April 21, 2019)
Purim Celebrations at Scheck Hillel Community School
(The Florida Jewish Home, March 28, 2019)
Great-Grandchild of Holocaust Survivor Places in 2019 Holocaust Reflection Contest
(The Florida Jewish Home, March 28, 2019)
Record Number of Scheck Hillel Band Students Earn Highest Marks in District Solo and Ensemble Adjudication
(The Florida Jewish Home, March 14, 2019)
Scheck Hillel NMB Student Advances to State Science Fair
(The Florida Jewish Home, February 28, 2019)
Scheck Hillel Community School's Girls STEAM Club Awarded Prestigious Grants
(The Florida Jewish Home, February 14, 2019)
Lagoa and Luck join the Supreme Court
(The Florida Bar News, February 2019)
Giving Light
(Our City Magazine, February 2019)
Lifetime Leaders
(Our City Magazine, February 2019)
Scheck Hillel Community School Wins CASE Awards for Media, Design
(The Florida Jewish Home, January 31, 2019)
Comedian Elon Gold Headlines Scheck Hillel Community School's 2019 Annual Event
(The Florida Jewish Home, January 31, 2019)
Scheck Hillel Community School STEAM Club receives two grants
(Miami Herald, January 30, 2019)
Luck Joins The Florida Supreme Court
(The Florida Bar News, January 14, 2019)
Jewish judge named to Florida Supreme Court at day school where he attended kindergarten
(JTA, January 14, 2019)
Gov. DeSantis names Robert Luck to Florida Supreme Court
(10 News Tampa, January 14, 2019)
DeSantis picks 2nd Miami appeals judge for Supreme Court
(Sun-sentinel January 14, 2019)
DeSantis appoints Judge Robert Luck to Florida Supreme Court
(Local 10 News, January 14, 2019)
Ron DeSantis elije a juez Robert Luck para la Corte Suprema del Estado
(Telemundo 51, January 14, 2019)
DeSantis picks 2nd Miami appeals judge for Supreme Court
(7 News, January 14, 2019)
DeSantis picks 2nd Miami appeals judge for Supreme Court
(The New York Times, January 14, 2019)
DeSantis picks 2nd Miami appeals judge for Supreme Court
(AP News, January 14, 2019)
Miami Judge Robert Luck Named to Florida Supreme Court
(NBC 6 News, January 14, 2019)
Gov. DeSantis Taps Judge Robert Luck For Florida Supreme Court
(CBS Miami, January 14, 2019)
Governor names second Miami appellate judge, Robert Luck, to Florida Supreme Court
(Miami Herald, January 14, 2019)
Scheck Hillel Announces Silver Knight Award Nominees
(Private Schools Guide, December 18, 2018)
Scheck Hillel Opens Multiyear Academic Scholarship Applications: Up to 100% Full Tuition
(Aventura News, December 17, 2018)
Scheck Hillel Community School hosts Hanukkah celebration
(Florida Jewish Journal, December 17, 2018)
Hanukkah luncheon honors South Florida Holocaust survivors
(Florida Jewish Journal, December 13, 2018)
Scheck Hillel students nominated for awards
(Florida Jewish Journal, December 4, 2018)
Scheck Hillel Opens Multiyear Academic Scholarship Applications: Up to 100% Full Tuition
(The Florida Jewish Home, November 22, 2018)
Finding The Right Fit
(Private School Guide, Fall 2018)
Scheck Hillel Community School Hosts Scholastic Book Fair
(The Florida Jewish Home, November 8, 2018)
South Florida Jewish community steps up relief effort following Hurricane Michael
(Florida Jewish Journal, October 26, 2018)
New Leadership Model Advances Nation's Largest Jewish Community School: Scheck Hillel Community School Appoints Head of School, Rabbinic Head
(The Florida Jewish Home, October 25, 2018)
Holocaust survivors celebrate life at fall luncheon
(Florida Jewish Journal, October 11, 2018)
Scheck Hillel establishes dual leadership model
(Florida Jewish Journal, October 2, 2018)
Scheck Hillel students receive scholar awards
(Florida Jewish Journal, September 20, 2018)
Scheck Hillel students earn 2018 Advanced Placement college awards
(Miami Herald, September 12, 2018)
School offering after-school program
(Florida Jewish Journal, August 15, 2018)
(Miami Herald, August 13, 2018)
The Places She'll Go
(Our City Magazine, August 2018)
It's Safety First for Scheck Hillel Students Winning Them First Place
(Our City Magazine, August 2018)
New Faces 2018-2019
(Private Schools Guide of South Florida, August 2018)
School offering after-school program
(Florida Jewish Journal, August 8, 2018)
Scheck Hillel has new additions to faculty and staff
(Florida Jewish Journal, August 1, 2018)
School welcomes science chair, teacher
(Florida Jewish Journal, July 11, 2018)
Off to Great Places
(Our City Aventura, July 2018)
Northwestern University Offers Scheck Hillel's Valedictorian College-Sponsored National Merit Scholarship
(The Florida Jewish Home, July 5, 2018)
Scheck Hillel Community School’s 2018 Graduating Classes
(The Florida Jewish Home, June 14, 2018)
Miami Jewish Day Schools’ Robotics Festival Feedback was
(Our City Aventura, June 2018)
Jewish day school students showcase their families through living museums
(Florida Jewish Journal, June 6, 2018)
These are the top 2018 high school grads at Miami-Dade private schools
(Miami Herald, June 5, 2018)
Miami Jewish Day Schools Participate in 2nd Annual Robotics Festival at Scheck Hillel Community School
(The Florida Jewish Home, June 14, 2018)
Scheck Hillel Students Win First Place in 4th Annual CIJE Young Engineers Conference
(The Florida Jewish Home, May 10, 2018)
South Florida Jewish schools participate in Robotics Festival
(Florida Jewish Journal, April 27, 2018)
Nine Jewish schools sackle Space Mission challenge at Robotics Festival
(Florida Jewish Journal, April 26, 2018)
Inside South Florida: Yoga for Kids!
(The CW-South Florida, April 18, 2018)
Scheck Hillel students score in 2018 State Solo and Ensemble performances
(Miami Herald, April 12, 2018)
Scheck Hillel valedictorian is a National Merit finalist
(The Florida Jewish Home, April 11 2018)
Jewish school honored for digital marketing advertising
(The Florida Jewish Home, April 4 2018)
Celebrating a Life & Legacy
(Our City Aventura, April 2018)
Scheck Hillel Band Students Earn High Marks
(Our City Aventura, April 2018)
North Miami Beach Jewish school celebrates Sefer Torah
(Florida Jewish Journal, March 9, 2018)
Outstanding Students Receive Merit-Based Scheck Hillel Scholarships
(Our City Aventura, March 2018)
Scheck Hillel Community School's Valedictorian Named National Merit Finalist
(The Florida Jewish Home, March 8, 2018)
Scheck Hillel Applauds Silver Knight Award Nominees
(The Florida Jewish Home, February 21, 2018)
Scheck Hillel Band Students Earn Highest Marks in FBA State Solo & Ensemble Adjudication
(The Florida Jewish Home, February 1, 2018)
A Parent's Job in Nurturing their Child's Potential
(Our City Aventura, February 2018)
Writing the Future
(Our City Aventura, January 2018)
Scheck Hillel students win scholarships for achievement, service
(Miami Herald, December 19, 2017)
Hanukkah celebrations include Jewish Heritage Night at Heat game
(Florida Jewish Journal, December 15, 2017)
Scheck Hillel Community School Lions Kicked Off the Third Annual Jewish Soccer Classic
(Our City Aventura, December 2017)
Four Scheck Hillel Students Recognized in Prestigious National Merit Scholarship Program
(Our City Aventura, December 2017)
Festival of Lights Underway
(Miami Herald, December 13, 2017)
South Florida helps ring in Hanukkah with lighting of menorah
(Channel 7 News, December 12, 2017)
2,000 athletes representing different nations compete in Maccabi Games
(Florida Jewish Journal, November 30, 2017)
Scheck Hillel Community School students earn National Merit honors
(Miami Herald, November 28, 2017)
Grateful for Gratitude
(Our City Aventura, November 2017)
College Board Grants Scheck Hillel 30 AP Scholar Awards
(Private School Guide, November 2017)
Scheck Hillel Lions Dethrone Defending Tier II Champion deToledo Jaguars, 66-57
(The Cooper Yeshiva H.S. Inivitational, November 3, 2017)
Challah heaven
(Miami Herald, November 2, 2017)
The Great Big Challah Bake takes place throughout South Florida
(Florida Jewish Journal, October 27, 2017)
Scheck Hillel Students Advance in 2018 National Merit Scholarship Program
(The Florida Jewish Home, October 26, 2017)
21st Century Education? Why does it need to be so different?
(Our City Aventura, October 2017)
Scheck Hillel Graduate Honored by the National Center for Women & Information Technology
(Our City Aventura, October 2017)
Senior-level hires and promotions for the week of Aug. 21, 2017
(Miami Herald, August 21, 2017)
People On The Move-Rabbi Shlomo Sprung
(South Florida Business Journal, August 1, 2017)
People On The Move-Amy Gallup
(South Florida Business Journal, July 31, 2017)
Students Learn and Celebrate Their Family Heritage
(Miami Herald, June 2017)
Natalie Broide of Scheck Hillel Community School honored by the National Center for Women and Information Technology
(Miami Herald, June 27, 2017)
Senior-level hires and promotions for the week
(Miami Herald June 19, 2017)
Scheck Hillel Community School Scene
(Miami Herald, June 6, 2017)
Teacher award helps South Florida Jewish schools
(Florida Jewish Journal, May 24, 2017)
Katz Yeshiva High hosts engineering conference
(Florida Jewish Journal, May 24, 2017)
Matt Levine of Scheck Hillel Earns Excellent Rating
(Miami Herald, May 5, 2017)
Game on!
(Sun Sentinel, April 27, 2017)
Cientos de niños participan en importante festival de robótica en Miami-Dade
(Univsion, April 26, 2017)
Yediot Aharonot
(Yediot Aharonot, March 30, 2017)
Scheck Hillel students achieve success
(Sun Sentinel, February 28, 2017)
Scheck Hillel Community School Presents: A Musical Theatre Production for the Entire Community
(The Florida Jewish Home, February 2017)
One of the World's Largest Jewish Community Day Schools is Right in South Florida's Backyard
(Our City Magazine, February 2017)
Beneficios del yoga para niños en edad preescolar
(el Nuevo Herald, January 13, 2017)
Students advocate for Israel as ZOA High School Fellows
(Sun Sentinel, January 13, 2017)
Choosing the School that's Right for Your Child
(Our City Magazine, January 2017)
Scheck Hillel Community School is Feeling Zen
(Our City Magazine, January 2017)
Shopping for a good cause
(Sun Sentinel, December 20, 2016)
At this preschool, kids learn downward-facing dog
(Miami Herald, December 15, 2016)
Scheck Hillel Community School Offers Students Much More Than a Great Education
(Our City Magazine, December 2016)
A New Formula
(Our City Magazine, December 2016)
Scheck Hillel Student is Named Commended Student
(Our City Magazine, December 2016)
Scheck Hillel: Top Jewish School in South Florida Business Journal's List of Private Schools
(South Florida Business Journal, November 2016)
Yoga storytelling implemented at Scheck Hillel
(Sun Sentinel, November 29, 2016)
Scheck Hillel Students Spent Their Summer Abroad Performing Service Projects
(Our City Magazine, November 2016)
Raising Great-ful Children
(Our City Magazine, November 2016)
Every Day is an Open House
(The Florida Jewish Home, November 1, 2016)
Scheck Hillel is featured through the 2016-17
Private Schools Guide of South Florida
Private Schools Guide of South Florida, October 2016)
Students make honey in hopes of a sweet new year
(Miami Herald, September 25, 2016)
Scheck Hillel Chief Academic Officer Expands Focus on Individualized Student Experience
(The Florida Jewish Home September 28, 2016)
College Board Grants Scheck Hillel 29 AP Scholar Awards
(The Florida Jewish Home September 28, 2016)
College Board Grants Scheck Hillel 29 AP Scholar Awards
(Our City Aventura, September 2016)
Scheck Hillel Community School Happenings
(Our City Aventura, September 2016)
Scheck Hillel appoints Carpentieri chief academic officer
(Sun Sentinel, September 6, 2016)
Mover's Spotlight
(Miami Herald, September 5, 2016)
College Board Grants Scheck Hillel 29 AP® Scholar Awards
(Miami Herald, August 25, 2016
Students learn how to recognize campus anti-Semitism
(Jewish Journal, June 22, 2016)
Hats Off for Top Grads
(Miami Herald, June 12, 2016)
Why students should run the show
(HAYIDION RAVSAK, Summer 2016)
Technion awards area Jewish day school
(Jewish Journal, June 8, 2016)
CIJE-Tech students present Capstone Projects
(Sun Sentinel, May 16, 2016)
Gatherings Pay Tribute To Holocaust Remembrance Day
(CBS Miami, May 5, 2016)
Scheck Hillel places first in Technion contest
(Miami Herald, April 24, 2016)
Miami Heat honors Jose Amat III, Jordan Fishman, Alexander Toledo, Alejandro Vargas, Tatiana Wainer
(Miami Herald, March 16, 2016)
The Lions
(Yediot Aharonot, March 10, 2016)
Scheck Hillel wins state soccer title
(Sun Sentinal, March 7, 2016)
“Nettygol”, el Jugador del Año de Florida
(el Nuevo Herald, March 6, 2016)
Scheck Hillel Student wins RAVSAK Artists' Beit Midrash contest
(Miami herald, March 3, 2016)
Florida Jewish high school wins state soccer title
(The Jerusalem Post, February 25, 2016)
Small Town Hillel Achieves State Soccer Championship Title
(Jewish Link, February 18, 2016)
Greater Miami Jewish Federation Honors Scheck Hillel Soccer State Champions
(Video, February 17, 2016)
(The Community Post, February 11, 2016)
Scheck Hillel edges Orangewood Christian in penalty kicks to win Boys Soccer 1A Crown
(Bright House Sports Network, February 10, 2016)
CSN’s Historic Season Falls Just Short in OT Loss to Scheck Hillel
(Naples Herald, February 9, 2016)
Four South Florida Teams Hunting For Boys Soccer Titles
(South Florida High School Sports, February 8, 2016)
Hillel boys reach 1A title game in soccer
(Miami Hearld, February 8, 2016)
Unbeaten Scheck Hillel, Netty Silberman too much for Posnack in soccer Region quarterfinal
(In USA News, February 6, 2016)
Scheck Hillel beats Archimedean to reach state final four for third time in four seasons
(Sun Times Network, February 6, 2016)
Unbeaten Scheck Hillel, Netty Silberman too much for Posnack in soccer Region Quarterfinal
(Miami Herald, January 29, 2016)
Field of Dreams
(Ravsak, December 2015)
Symposium celebrates anniversary of Nostra Aetate
(Sun Sentinel, December 14, 2015)
The List: Private Schools
(South Florida Business Journal, Nov 27, 2015)
Hanukkah to be stressed at Jewish day schools
(Jewish Journal, November 25, 2015)
Hillel sweeps soccer titles
(Sun Sentinel, November 2, 2015)
Schools come together as one community
(Sun Sentinel, October 23, 2015)
Over 1,000 Jewish Students Urge Peace in Israel at Solidarity Assembly
(JPUpdates.com, October 22, 2015)
Students attend rally to support Israel
(Miami Herald, October 20, 2015)
WFOR South Florida Jewish High School Israel Solidarity Assembly
(WFOR, October 19, 2015)
WPLG South Florida Jewish High School Israel Solidarity Assembly
(WPLG, October 19, 2015)
Ready To Celebrate New Year
(Miami Herald, September 13, 2015)
Top of their class
(Miami Herald, June 4, 2015)
Winter 2015 All-County teams: The best of Miami-Dade and Broward
(Miami Herald, April 8, 2015)
Hands-on Passover
(Sun Sentinel, March 30, 2015)
(Black Tie Magazine, March 30, 2015)
Big year for Scheck Hillel sports
(Sun Sentinel, March 17, 2015)
Scheck Hillel Soccer
(Miami Herald, February 22, 2015)
Signing Day
(Miami Herald, February 10, 2015)
Last week's best of Miami-Dade
(Miami Herald, January 15, 2015
Rabbi Lord Sacks visits Boca Raton
(Sun Sentinel, December 15, 2014)
Hillel's Home Field Advantage
(Jewish Journal, November 24, 2014)
Jewish teen gets real-world medical training in Guatemala
(The Times of Israel, November 15, 2014)
Day schools build new fields — and dream
(The Jewish Chronicle, November 6, 2014)
Hillel seeks elusive soccer title
(Miami Herald, November 4, 2014)
New sports fields give day schools a competitive edge
(The Times of Israel, November 1, 2014)
Nathaniel Melnitsky gets real-world medical training in Guatemala
(JTA, October 30, 2014)
Scheck Hillel’s New Athletic Complex Built to Strengthen Community
(Greater Miami Jewish Federation, October 29, 2014)
Day schools build new fields — and dream
(JTA, October 27, 2014)
Sports Scene: Scheck Hillel Top Athletes
(Miami Herald, October 26, 2014)
Jewish teen scores with Ecuador soccer camp project
(The Times of Israel, October 23, 2014)
Scheck Hillel Community School football team opens new stadium but loses game
(Miami Herald, October 22, 2014)
Sports Scene: Scheck Hillel Top Athletes
(Miami Herald, October 19, 2014)
Sports Scene: Athletic Complex
(Miami Herald, October 12, 2014)
Hillel Students Boost Kosher Food Bank
(Miami Herald, October 12, 2014)
Sports Scene: Student-Athletes
(Miami Herald, October 12, 2014)
Spotlight on Education; Student Scores with Ecuador Soccer Camp Project
(Jweekly.com, October 9, 2014)
Scheck Hillel Students Go On Scavenger Hunt To Help Food Ban
k (Jewish Scene, October 9, 2014)
Rachelle Murciano scores with international soccer camp project
(JTA, October 2, 2014)
Scheck Hillel Top Student Athletes
(Miami Herald, September 28, 2014)
Students Sound in the New Year
(Jewish Journal, September 24, 2014)
Scheck Hillel Top Student Athletes
(Miami Herald, September 21, 2014)
School Scene
(Miami Herald, September 14, 2014)
9 Ways
Technology is Transforming the Classroom
(Coca-Cola Journey, September 9, 2014)
Scheck Hillel 24, Miami Country Day 12
(Miami Herald, August 29, 2014
Students perform mitzvot abroad
(Sun Sentinel, August 25, 2014)
School Scene
(Miami Herald, August 24, 2014)
Teen Hopes To Raise money And Inspire Others Through Writings
(Jewish Scene, August, 12, 2014)
Back to school tips from our very own Dr. Wagenberg
(Moms Miami/Miami Herald, August 12, 2014)
CIJE-Tech STEM program offered in local Jewish high schools
(Sun Sentinel, August 11,2014)
(Verizon Wireless Insider's Guide)
3 Perspectives on Using Mobile Tech in the Classroom
(Verizon Wireless Insider's Guide)
Fencing, Youth Sports
(Miami Herald, July 20, 2014)
Local family hosts exchange student
(Jewish Journal, June 23, 2014)
Scheck Hillel Top Athletes
(Miami Herald, June 7, 2014)
Valedictorians of Miami's private schools are star students
(Miami Herald, June 6, 2014)
North Miami Beach Students Learn/Share Through Cooking
(Jewish Scene, May 20, 2014)
School Scene
(Miami Herald, May 18, 2014)
Bat mitzvah project helps survivors
(Sun Sentinal, May 5, 2014)
Scheck Hillel Top Athletes
(Miami Herald, May 3, 2014)
Raising an honest child
(Momsmiami.com, April 23, 2014)
Scheck Hillel Top Athletes
(Miami Herald, April 19, 2014)
Scheck Hillel Top Athletes
(Miami Herald, April 5, 2014)
Scheck Hillel Top Athletes
(Miami Herald, April 5, 2014)
Scheck Hillel Students Receive Top Honors in National Art Contest
(Israpost, March 13, 2014)
Scheck Hillel Students Receive Top Honors in National Art Contest
(The Community Post, March 4, 2014)
Parent to Parent: Coach Inspires
( WSVN, March 4, 2014)
Scheck Hillel group honored at dinner
(Miami Herald, March 2, 2014)
Scheck Hillel Athletes of the Week
(Miami Herald, March 2, 2014)
Scheck Hillel Community School boys’ soccer team brings momentum into Class 1A state semifinal match
(Miami Herald, February 12, 2014)
Florida: It’s not just for old Jews anymore
(JTA, February 11, 2014)
Yediot Miami
(February 7, 2014)
Scheck HIillel boys’ soccer beats Weston Sagemont in region final
(Miami Herald, February 7, 2014)
New era in athletics underway at Hillel School
(Jewish Journal, February 3, 2014)
Israeli official connects with students
(Jewish Journal, January 27, 2014)
Sarah Fiske helps Haitian orphans get to school
(JTA, January 17, 2014)
Author Adam Grant to keynote fundraiser
(Miami Herald,
January 8, 2014)
Youth Sports
(Miami Herald, December 16, 2013)
Israeli author presents memoir
(Sun Sentinel, December 16, 2013)
Holiday Celebration
(Jewish Journal, December, 4, 2013)
Band students keep Shabbat, dreams alive
(Sun Sentinel, November 26, 2013)
South Florida Teens JUMP to the Challenge
(The Jewish Press, November 20, 2013)
Sports Scene: Archbishop Curley, Scheck Hillel football celebrate winning Homecomings
Miami Herald,
October 26, 2013)
<nyt_headline version="1.0" type=" ">
For Jewish School’s Football Team, It’s Thursday Night Lights
(The New York Times, October 18, 2013)
Hillel Senior Makes a World of Difference; Connects Rwanda, Israel & Miami
(TakePart.com, July 29, 2013)
Music program reaches new heights
(Sun Sentinal, May 21, 2013)
Opera fans can hear aspiring singers perform in contest
(Miami Herald, April 21, 2013)
Supporting Technology Integration in the Classroom
(Middle Ground, April 2013)
Hillel’s run ends in Class 1A boys’ soccer final against Tampa Prep
(Miami Herald, February 14, 2013)
Scheck Hillel Community School boys soccer team faces biggest test yet in Class 1A title game
(Miami Herald, February 13, 2013)
Hillel makes its first state semi
(Miami Herald, February 6, 2013)
Cousins put their best foot forward
(Jewish Journal, December 26, 2012)
Top 25 Private Schools
(South Florida Business Journal, November 2012)
Israel a Hot Topic on Wake of Debate
(NBC 6, October 23, 2012)
Boteach to launch ParentU lecture
(Sun Sentinel, October 21, 2012)
A Homecoming For Sukkot
(Miami Herald, October 14, 2012)
Saluting America
(Sun Sentinel)
The iPad goes back to school
(Macworld, September 17, 2012)
Rabbi Wexler and Teaching with Social Media
Salute to America! (CBS4 News)
Family Life in the Shadow of the Holocaust
(Jewish Journal)
Ipads in Jewish Day Schools
Ipdas in Jewish Day Schools
Trying Not To Smash The Tablets
(The Jewish Week - New York)
Jewish day schools putting Apple iPads to the test
Samuel Scheck Hillel Community Day School to host annual event with former Timberland Company CEO
(Miami Herald)
OU Announces Nationwide Winners of Day School Affordability Grants
(Orthodox Union)
21st Century Education
(Jewish Way Magazine)
UN rep draws support, protest
Six exemplary Jewish students awarded Gilinski Hillel Scholarships
(Miami Herald)
Two teams, one community
The Kiddush Cup (Video)
(NBC 6 News)
You Know It's a Jewish Football Team When...
(The Jewish Daily Forward)
QB stars in Hillel’s Kiddush Cup romp in Fla.
Hillel Hurricanes win Kiddush Cup
Jewish football team uses Hebrew snap counts to fool opponents
(NBC Sports: Off the Bench)
Hebrew snap counts highlight unique Jewish football rivalry
(Yahoo! Sports: Prep Rally)
Najjar’s 5 TDs leads Hillel over Posnack
(Miami Herald)
Posnack vs Hillel in Third Annual Kiddush Cup football game
(Miami Herald)
Kiddush Bowl
Week 8 football is here
(ESPNHS Florida)
Kids for Kosher Food Bank collects items for Rosh Hashana
(Miami Herald)
Interview with Rabbi Josh Spodek
(Jewish Pride Radio)
Rabbi’s High Holidays show-and-tells wow kids
(Miami Herald)
Fla. Jewish day school earns Blue Ribbon status
South Florida Schools Named National Blue Ribbon Winners
(CBS Miami)
Fla. Jewish day school earns Blue Ribbon status
(National Jewish Journal)
Six South Florida schools win blue ribbons
(Miami Herald)
Six South Florida schools named National Blue Ribbon Schools
Six South Florida Schools Get National Blue Ribbon Honor
(NBC Miami)
Hillel's new administrators discuss plans
(Jewish Journal)
Back to School Tips
(South Florida Home)
Making the world a better place
(South Florida Home)
Jewish Community Comes out to the Ball Game
(Florida Jewish Journal)
Hillel Named an IB World School
(Florida Jewish Journal)
Hillel Named IB World School
(South Florida Jewish Home)
Hillel Named IB World School
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