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2023-2024 High School Award Recipients

Mazal tov to the 2023-2024 High School Award recipients!

Grade 9 students who earned Honors with a GPA between 3.67 and 3.99:
Dibo A.
Shmuel B.
Melanie B.
Sarah C.
Elay D.
Raina F.
Mia F.
Benjamin G.
Alexander H.
Anael H.
Samy K.
Rebecca L.
Rebecca L.
Ivri R.
Alan R.
Dana S.
Ariella S.
Danae S.
Matthew T.
Emily W.

Grade 10 students who earned Honors with a GPA between 3.67 and 3.99:
Briana A.
Daniel B.
Shmuli B.
David B.
Enrique C.
Nathan C.
Maor E.
Gabriella F.
Eli F.
Marcos F.
Dan F.
Hailey H.
Jaia H.
Sabrina J.
Alexandra K.
Gabriela K.
Jake L.
Sara M.
Eva M.
Danielle M.
Liv R.
Eitan R.
Liat S.
Tally S.
Esther T.
Debora T.

Grade 11 students who earned Honors with a GPA between 3.67 and 3.99:
Shena A.
Natalie A.
Gabriel A.
Noah B.
Alan B.
Ariella B.
Gabriella B.
Michelle E.
Eitan G.
Joyce G.
Sivan H.
Adina H.
Benjamin H.
Michal K.
Yitzhak L.
Camila L.
David M.
Ilana M.
Shelly M.
Daniel P.
Daniella S.
Sara Chaya S.
Naomi S. 
Michelle S. 
Daniel S.
Elie T.
Eric W.
Alexia W.
Dina W.
Sara W.

Grade 12 students who earned Honors with a GPA between 3.67 and 3.99:
Esther A.
Michel B.
Sofia B.
Lara B. 
Ariane C.
Sarah E.
Naomi F.
Eva G.
Arie L.
Jasmine P.
Noah R.
Hannah S.
Dov S.
Nichole T.
Gabriel T.
Rachel T.
Yael W.

Grade 9 students who earned Honors with a GPA of 4.0 and above:
Talia B.
Andrea C.
Jeremy D.
Gabriella G.
Tamar G.
Shira S.
Bina S.
Yael T.
Hadar Z.

Grade 10 students who earned Honors with a GPA of 4.0 and above:
Safa C.
Eva C.
Haylee D.
Kassandra L.
Avichai M.
Alexandre P.
Nathan S.
Maia W.
Aviv Z.

Grade 11 students who earned Honors with a GPA of 4.0 and above:
Shaun A.
Kenan B.
Noa B.
Shawn C.
Tali C.
Joel D.
Sapir E.
Anoushka F.
Daniel G.
Samuel G.
Sara H.
Sadie L.
Eliana M.
Aquiba S.
Hailey S.
Leah S.

Grade 12 students who earned Honors with a GPA of 4.0 and above:
Nathan B.
Ariella B.
Tali L.
Shalom M.

President's Award for Educational Achievement (Grade 12)
Gabriela B.  
Sofia B.  
Sarah E.  
Natalia G.  
Sophia S.  
Lynn S.  
Rachel T. 

President's Award for Educational Excellence (Grade 12)
Avital A.  
Vanessa B.  
Esther B.  
Ariella B.  
Lara B.  
Joel C.  
Tara C. 
Ariane C.  
Lielle D.  
Naomi F.  
Noah F.  
Eva G.  
Le-Am H.  
Aharon H.  
Edith K.  
Tali L.  
Arie L.  
Shalom M.  
Noah R.  
Jeremy S.  
Zohara S.  
Gabriel T.  
Noam V.  
Jessica W. 
Yael W.  
Amit Z.  

The College Board’s AP Scholar Award:
Shaun A. ‘25
Nathan B. ‘24
Vanessa B. ‘24
Kenan B. ‘25
Gabriela B. ‘24
Esther B. ‘24
Ariella B. ‘24
Sofia B. ‘24
Joel C. ‘24
Tara C. ‘24
Shawn C. ‘25
Ariane C. ‘24
Lielle D. ‘24
Sarah E. ‘24
Naomi F. ‘24
Noah F. ‘24
Daniel G. ‘25
Simona G. ‘24
Yoel G. ‘24
Natalia G. ‘24
Sara H. ‘25
Edith K. ‘24
Tali L. ‘24
Jeremy S. ‘24
Yael W. ‘24
Sara W. ‘25
Amit Z. ‘24

The College Board’s AP Scholar With Honor Award
Samuel G. ‘25
Benjamin H. ‘25
Sadie L. ‘25
Hailey S. ‘25
Daniella S. ‘25
Leah S. ‘25
Rachel T. ‘24

The College Board’s AP Scholar With Distinction Award 
Lara B. ‘24
Eva G. ‘24
Ilana M. ‘25
Shalom M. ‘24
Noah R. ‘24
Aquiba S. ‘25

The Hillel Values Award
Igal C. ‘26
Kassandra L. ‘26
Ivri R. ‘27
Sara Chaya S. ‘25
Benjamin W. ‘25
Marshall P. Baltuch Award for Outstanding Service to the Community, sponsored by Andrea, David & Samuel Daniel Koplowitz:
Le-Am H. ‘24

The John Philip Sousa Award
Eyal V. ‘24

The Patrick Gilmore Award
Sadie L. ‘25

Director's Award for Band
Yitzhak L. ‘25

The Quincy Jones Award
Shaun A. ‘25

The Musicianship Certificate Award
Tali C. ‘25
Mia F. ‘27
Adina H. ‘25
Samuel H. ‘26
Samy K. ‘27
Ethan L. ‘27
Kassandra L. ‘26
Rebecca L. ‘27
David N. ‘26
Daniel P. ‘25
Ariella S. ‘27
Sara Chaya S. ‘25
Isaac F. ‘24
Rachel F. ‘26
Yoel R. ‘25

The National School Orchestra Award
Ariella B. ‘24
Daniel G. ‘25

The Director's Award for Orchestra
Esther A. ‘24
Shalom M. ‘24
Jasmine P. ‘24

The Leonard Bernstein Award
Sara H. ‘25
Nathan S. ‘26

The Leadership Award
Alexander H. ‘27

Lion Pride Award
Gabriella F. ‘26
Nolan S. ‘24

Varsity Boys’ Flag Football
Most Improved Player: Joshua W. ‘24 and Nolan S. ‘24
Most Valuable Player: Elie T. ‘25

Varsity Boys’ Cross-Country  
MIP: Aquiba S. ‘25 
MVP: Benjamin H. ‘25 

Varsity Girls’ Cross-Country
MIP: Michelle S. ‘25
MVP: Natalie T. ‘25

Varsity Golf
MIP: Eli S. ‘24
MVP: Diego A. ‘24

Varsity Girls’ Volleyball
MIP: Hailey H. ‘26
MVP: Tali L. ‘24

Varsity Boys’ Basketball
MIP: Akiva F. ‘26
MVP: Joel C. ‘24

Junior Varsity Boys’ Basketball
MIP: Benjamin G. ‘27 and Aaron G. ‘27
MVP: Nathan S. ‘28

Varsity Girls’ Basketball
MIP: Elieza G. ‘27
MVP: Tara C. ‘24

Varsity Boys’ Soccer
MIP: Aquiba S. ‘25
MVP: Adam W. ‘25

Varsity Girls’ Soccer
MIP: Nicole A. ‘26
MVP: Yuval Z. ‘24
The Moris Khoudari Memorial Athletes of the Year, sponsored by the Khoudari family.
Jonathan A. ‘24
Tara C. ‘24

Senior Class Award
Naomi F. ‘24

The Jerome M. Levy Memorial Award for General Scholarship
Eva G. ‘24

The Award for the Salutatorian 
Sponsored by Dr. Hili & Marty Scheck in honor of their parents and awarded to the student with the second highest grade point average.
Ariella B. ‘24

The Herbert Kravitz Memorial Award for the Valedictorian, sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Kravitz in honor of their children and awarded to the student with the highest grade point average. 
Tali L. '24