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Grant Powers High-Impact Teacher Teams

Enriched, personalized student learning is essential to the Scheck Hillel experience. A grant from the Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE) and JBlend is supporting training for even greater teacher efficacy and student achievement. This schoolwide form of instruction is based on the work of Research for Better Teaching, a source of evidence-based methods that have proven to significantly increase student achievement. 

Program implementation began in the 2018-2019 school year and continued this year, and will continue next year with a grant extension now in place for 2020-2021. All Scheck Hillel faculty are participating in the training and forming High-Impact Teacher Teams (HIT), professional learning communities where the exchange of ideas and experiences promotes greater teacher efficacy.
One of the key elements of the program is the FAR Cycle - Formative Assessment for Results - through which teachers assess student progress frequently and intentionally prior to summative tests; this allows them to adjust or focus instruction in areas that may need more clarification or practice for students. 
A culture of formative assessment is consistent with Scheck Hillel's educational philosophy. "Learning is a personal journey with teachers leading the way. When we break down this journey into its component parts, more information about each child's understanding can be gleaned and overall achievement increased. We're so fortunate to receive this support from CAJE and thankful for their investment in our school," said Craig Carpentieri, Scheck Hillel's Chief Academic Officer.