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Choosing Scheck Hillel

When you choose Scheck Hillel Community School, you are securing your children’s academic journey through high school graduation and lifelong Jewish identity and nurturing community. Continuous Enrollment is an extension of our shared commitment to your children’s future. Some questions and answers follow to offer an overview.
Continuous Enrollment Dates for the 2025-2026 School Year

December 10 2025-2026 Continuous Enrollment Deposit Requests and Financial Aid Applications open
January 15 Deadline for Continuous Enrollment Deposits, Financial Aid Applications and Opt-Out Deadline
Mid-February First Round of Admissions Acceptances Announced
April 8 Financial Aid Award Notifications Begin

Did You Know?
  • For all grade levels, Scheck Hillel’s tuition includes everything you need for your children’s success: books, daily hot kosher lunch and 24/7 security.
  • PKT-Grade 5 school supplies are included in tuition. No more school supply shopping for you!
  • A $500 Student Tuition Reduction is available upon enrolling your third child and each thereafter.
  • Tuition is comprehensive without fees for services like re-enrollment, technology and facilities.
We are looking forward to incredible opportunities in store for your children and family! If you have questions, please reach out to Sandra Levy '94, Director of Admissions, at 305.931.2831 x129 / levysandra@eHillel.org.
2025-2026 Tuition
Grade Tuition
Pre-Kindergarten Toddler-2, Half-Day* $16,700
Pre-Kindergarten Toddler-3, Full-Day
Pre-Kindergarten 4 $20,700
Kindergarten-Grade 1 $28,100
Grades 2-4  
Grade 5 $33,200
Grades 6-8 $35,100
Grade 9-12** $36,400
In-Class Support   $44,600
Academic Services
ESOL  $4,800
Learning Center   $4,800

*Half-day is exclusively for PKT-PK2. We will always do our best to accommodate a mid-year change to full-day but cannot guarantee upon enrollment.
**Grade 12 will have an additional Graduation Fee of $650 per student.
A late fee ($40) will be assessed for any payments overdue by 15 days or more.
Matriculation Fee - $1,100 (One-time non-refundable charge due upon entrance for any new Kindergarten-Grade 12 student)
An administrative fee of up to $45 per family per year is charged by our tuition processor.

Questions and Answers

List of 10 items.

  • What is continuous enrollment?

    Continuous Enrollment is a re-enrollment process that eliminates annual contracts. When you enroll your child in Scheck Hillel Community School, you enroll through High School graduation, unless you notify the school of a change in accordance with the terms of the continuous enrollment agreement.
  • How do I financially commit to each new school year?

    Every December, tuition is published to the school website; it is based on annual school needs and budget analysis. At this time of year, you have the opportunity to review tuition rates, make your non-refundable deposit(s), update your tuition fulfillment plan, apply for financial aid and update your contact information as necessary. Every year, you will fulfill your annual non-refundable deposit toward your tuition to secure your child’s space for the upcoming school year. This is not an additional fee. A deposit results in meaningful parent commitment, which guides class placement, financial aid allocations and new acceptances. 
  • When do I pay tuition?

    Before June 1 of every year, your annual statement will be available to review on your Blackbaud Tuition Management dashboard, noting your already fulfilled non-refundable deposit. Scheck Hillel offers three payment plans for parents and a special payment plan for employees:  
    1 Payment: June (1.5% discount is applied if paid in full by 6/30/25)
    2 Payments: June and November 
    10 Payments: June - March 
    Employee Payroll Deductions*: September-June

    For returning families, Scheck Hillel will assume that you will apply the same payment plan as in the current school year, unless you notify our Finance Office that you wish to change your payment plan via finance@eHillel.org.

    For new families, upon selecting your payment plan option at the time of signing your continuous enrollment contract, it is automatically noted in your Blackbaud Tuition Management account for your convenience.

    Please note that if you elect to pay via credit card, the tuition processor will charge a credit card processing fee.

    *Employee payroll deductions are only available to Scheck Hillel and Kloda Whitebook Kesher Academy employees.
  • If I am re-enrolling, how do I make my continuous enrollment deposit each year?

    1. Log into eHillel.org.
    2. Click the yellow notification banner at the top of your screen (1 per student), it will take you to the continuous enrollment deposit for the upcoming school year. You previously signed your continuous enrollment contract. Therefore, you will not be signing another contract; instead, you will make your deposit to secure your spot for the upcoming school year.
    3. Review your tuition commitment and obligation.
    4. Make a deposit for each student by the indicated deadline.
  • Do I submit a new financial aid application every school year?

    Yes. Financial aid continues to be an annual process through which families submit new applications every year. The online application is accessible through the school’s website. After application submission, financial aid applicants are presented new offers of financial aid before every school year. 
    If you wish to apply for financial aid, please complete your financial aid application in full, including all required supporting documents, and submit it by January 15, 2025. Incomplete applications or applications received after January 15, 2025 will not be considered, unless there has been a sudden change in the family’s financial circumstances.

  • I am planning to keep my children at Scheck Hillel through High School graduation, but what if our plans change?

    When you enrolled in Scheck Hillel, you enrolled through High School graduation. If your situation changes and your child will not attend Scheck Hillel next year, we will be sad to see you go. Please notify our Admissions Office that you wish to opt-out of continuous enrollment by sending an email to admissions@eHillel.org by the Opt-Out Deadline, and completing all necessary steps thereafter as instructed by the Admissions Office. 
  • What if I opt out and then want to enroll?

    Families who opt out by the deadline indicated and later decide to enroll must contact the Admissions Office. There will be no guarantee of space for the student after the deadline.
  • What if I make my deposit and then wish to withdraw?

    If you make your deposit to secure your child’s space for the upcoming school year, and thereafter want to withdraw, the following termination provisions apply: If you withdraw between January 15-February 28, your deposit will remain nonrefundable. If you withdraw between March 1 and April 30, 25% of your total tuition and fees will be due. If you withdraw between May 1 and the first day of school, 50% of your total tuition and fees will be due. If you withdraw on or after the first day of school, 100% of your total tuition and fees will be due.
  • What if I receive State Funding (Step Up)?

    Please note that Step Up is funded to Scheck Hillel  in quarterly payments, starting with September for the first payment. A communication will be sent to all parents in the spring once Step Up enrollment for the 25-26 school year has opened, with instructions on how and when to submit the Award ID to the school. As a courtesy, Scheck Hillel will apply a Step Up scholarship credit to your account 30 days from the time you submit your Award ID to the school. Scheck Hillel reserves the right to apply any Step Up scholarship credits to your account at the time the funds are received from the State, which happens several months after your first tuition payments are required to be made.
    Once the portion of the scholarship received is applied to your Blackbaud Tuition Management account, the remaining payments on your account will be credited, starting with the following month. 
    It is important to understand that several of your payments may need to be made for the full tuition due, before any credit for your Step Up award is applied to your account.
    In addition, please be advised that the state does not guarantee the continuation of the Step Up State Scholarships program in its current format for the 2025-2026 school year.
    For the above reasons, when you make your enrollment decisions, please plan to make your full tuition payments (in accordance with the payment plan you selected) without regard to your Step Up award.
  • If I have questions, who should I contact?

    Questions about enrollment: Admissions Office
    Questions about financial aid: Financial Aid Office
    Questions about or changes to payment plans: Finance Office
    Questions about website login or related technology: support@eHillel.org