G’mar Chatima Tova

On September 13, Scheck Hillel Community School’s Juda and Maria Diener Lower School students walked to the community bridge over the Oleta River, where they cast bread crumbs into the water to symbolize a new start: Tashlich. Samuel and Henrietta Scheck Middle School students watched a film about the ripple effects of kindness, and were treated to inspiring words from Scheck Hillel parent, the Hon. Judge Michael Davis. He shared a case study about how small decisions can have a huge impact on a life. Judge Davis used this truth to carve out a compassionate sentence for a young man who once made a bad decision, but who repented, paid his dues, and was then able to go on to college. In the Ben Lipson Upper School assembly, students were challenged by Scheck Hillel’s Director of Family and Community Education, Rabbi Shlomo Sprung, to live a mindful life and year ahead, looking within for the purpose of self-improvement. 
