News Detail

From Passion to Purpose

Many of our students take time during the summer to create opportunity for themselves and for others. Such was the case with Samuel Levy, ‘20, who designed and taught a coding and robotics course for under-served students in Panama City, Panama. The idea came from a desire to connect his passion for robotics, cultivated within Scheck Hillel’s Design/STEM program, with his family in Panama. Samuel partnered with his cousin; together, they recruited a sponsor and teamed up with a local school. They worked with 50 students over the course of a week, for a total of 55 hands-on hours in the classroom. 

The experience taught Samuel to become “a better teacher” of others: His students were so quick to absorb the material, he was forced to engage more deeply in the subject in order to meet the students’ pace of learning. Samuel took this to heart, and reflected on the overall mission. “On Monday, these kids had never seen a robot. By Friday afternoon, they were equipped to teach others how to program them.” This is the multiplier effect he is hoping for; Samuel and his cousin left behind three robots and 50 new friends. Kol HaKavod!