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Israeli Tech Thought Leader Meets with Scheck Hillel Students

He moved to Israel with his family when he was a teen. He started blogging when blogging was not a “thing.” Hillel Fuld, Israeli tech guru, journalist and advisor to venture capital firms, persisted, and today he is one of Israel’s top tech thought leaders. Inc. Magazine calls him “Israel’s Top Marketer.”
As part of Scheck Hillel’s Student Life and Leadership Program, he told his story – the story of technology in Israel - to Ben Lipson Upper School students on Wednesday, bringing home the enormity of Israel’s achievements in tech. “How does a tiny state, the size of New Jersey, reach such heights? Israel is not a start-up nation anymore,” he declared, referring to the 2011 book of that title. The tech landscape is now filled with hundreds of firms, many of them global, who want a foothold in Israel’s tech environment.” Fuld is equally passionate about waking up in Israel every day, thanking his family for making aliyah years ago.

Abraham Woldenberg, Grade 11 student reflects, "I️ was blown away by the advancements that are being developed for societies in Israel, and how they are truly at the forefront of changing the world in various aspects, especially in the tech world. Hillel's story is a success story that shows that with determination, passion and the will to help others, one can accomplish any dreams they would have thought were impossible.”
Fuld is proudest of Israeli technology breakthroughs that involve tikkun olam, bettering the world. He described several projects that will have an impact on public health in Africa for decades to come.
