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M’Dor L’Dor: From Generation to Generation

Today, Grade 3 students honored previous generations in M’Dor L’Dor (From Generation to Generation), a culminating ceremony following months of study and preparation. The  journey to trace family roots - shorashim - draws upon research, writing, interviewing, critical thinking and organization skills, and culminates in the showcase held today. Students retell their loved ones’ stories, each symbolizing a family within Am Yisrael.   

Lower School teacher Ann Sweet conceived this program six years ago, and since then it has become a Scheck Hillel tradition and signature academic program. With parents, grandparents and great-grandparents in attendance, this deeply personal project honored generations of Jewish men and women who gave so much to bring our students to this time and place, and we are so grateful. 

With great appreciation for the faculty team and staff who supported students along their project journey and throughout today’s program:   

Beatriz Anzola
Zalina Avshalumov
Nancy Blair
Briana Branigan (Edwards)
Melissa Burger
Raquel Gean
Sara Goldman
Clara Gontovnik
Sara Jean-Gilles
Abelardo Jimenez
Rachel Levana
Elise Levinson
Michelle Levy
Juan Lezama
Menucha Lipinski
Angelica Losada
Brian Ramsay
Allegra Ruggles
Ofra Sharabani
Ann Sweet
Helen Vinas
Mazal Zlochover

Angelica Losada 
Dr. Michel Klein
Jonathan Naim ‘28 (Bass)
Tali Kiblisky ‘28 (Violin) 
Annie Slomovitz ‘28 (Violin)
Phillipe Rieber ‘28 (Cello)
Solomon Kerbel ‘28(Cello)
Gavriella Derai ‘28 (Violin)
Jonathan Melul ‘28 (Cello)