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Teacher Returns to NSU as Scheck Hillel Educator

Scheck Hillel biology teacher Wilford Miranda exudes excitement when he talks about teaching our students. He brought this energy to Nova Southeastern University, his alma mater, where he was invited to address the Honors College: undergraduate students with GPAs in the top 10% of their class. 
"Deciding to work at Scheck Hillel remains one of the best life decisions I have made; I have only positive things to say about our school. NSU's Honors College is where I got the foundation of my teaching training so it [is] an honor to return as an educator." 
Mr. Miranda spoke from his perspective as a science educator, sharing the different career pathways available to students who pursue biology in college. He shed light on opportunities in the public and private sectors, and on his personal experience working at Scheck Hillel. The students were curious to know how he adapted to working at a Jewish day school: "I love working at Scheck Hillel. Everyone - from the students to my colleagues - is amazing and helpful. And the kosher food is delicious!"
Mr. Miranda was thrilled to meet with his old professors and a new generation of undergrads. Thank you, Mr. Miranda, for being a wonderful Scheck Hillel ambassador! #lionpride