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Growing Strong Readers and Writers

Book Fair week is shining the light not only on readers, but also on creators and writers. 
In PK4 , all the component skills of reading and writing are part of daily learning for our cubs. Recently, students in Yazmin Popiol and Maritza Melamed's class were learning all about parts of the body, building a snowman and using their smart board to round out the lesson.
In Rivke Pianko's Grade 5 class, students are also reading and creating, demonstrating understanding through original games, quizzes, and "out of the ordinary projects," according to Steven Lekach. His classmates, Sasha Ades, Eli Resler and Jonah Sperling, added that these projects make reading more fun. "When you're working on a project, you have to pay more attention to the details of the book," Sasha said. What is clear is that they are taking steps toward developing deeper comprehension of a variety of texts.
Grade 10 students in Hilary Brownstein's class met via Zoom with Jillian Cantor, author of "Margot" - an account that imagines Anne Frank’s sister Margot surviving World War II and living in America. Ms. Cantor provided background on her writing process and how it has evolved since writing this book 10 years ago. 
Throughout Scheck Hillel, #readinginspires and supports learning in every subject.