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Senior Girls Tefilah Nurtures Positive Living

Connections made at Scheck Hillel are lifelong, and they are nurtured by moments like our Senior Tefilah girls events. The Class of 2023’s September event was dedicated in loving memory of Simon (Shimon Michael ben Alexander) Mundlak, z”l, and graciously hosted by the Esquenazi family.
Students learned about the incredibly positive attitude the Mundlak family showed throughout challenges; it was a beautiful source of inspiration for the New Year. These events are organized by students with Senior girls Tefilah faculty leaders Dr. Hana Barouk and Mrs. Esther Wolff-Hecht; this special arts activity included AP art teacher Mrs. Edith Schlesinger. Through programs like this, we are reminded that Scheck Hillel is so much more than your children’s school; it’s your family’s community.