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Melanie (Mizrahi) Gorin '04, Speech & Language Pathologist

What warms your heart when you think of your time at Scheck Hillel?
When I think about my time at Hillel - from Kindergarten to 12th Grade - it brings me joy to recall all the beautiful memories I made. I continue to be friends with people from all grades as well as faculty. The connections I’ve made are really special and my Jewish values remain strong in my heart.

Share a funny story from your time at Scheck Hillel.
This is a good one! So when anyone asked who my favorite teacher was it was…Mrs. Gorin. Well… after marrying Salo Gorin ‘97, I am now Mrs. Gorin. Never saw that one coming!

Was there a teacher who had a positive impact and made you feel like you could do it all?
Mrs. Helen Gorin - I remember how she was with the perfect balance of engaging, kind and strict. I remember the evening she called my house. I was so nervous, I didn’t know what she would say. Come to find out that she had called to give my mom the good news that I got 100% on the Krebs Cycle test. If you know, you know. She wanted to make sure to celebrate our wins! That is special!

How did your Scheck Hillel years influence your adult life and choices?
Hillel helped shape me into the individual I am today. The dual curriculum helped me manage fast-paced environments and large workloads. I didn’t feel overwhelmed, I felt prepared. My Jewish values and traditions are present and flourishing while being passed down to my three boys. Mostly, I am grateful for this community I am blessed to be a part of. Thank you!

What educational path did you follow? What is your current profession and where do you work? 
I am currently a speech & language pathologist. I wanted to go into teaching but also really enjoyed aspects of the medical field. After doing some research, I found that becoming an SLP gave me all of that as well as flexibility. I went to FIU for undergraduate and graduate school. While completing my classes I was working at Kesher as an assistant teacher. This confirmed my career path. Now, I have my own private practice and also work at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital with mostly feeding and swallowing and speech/language disorders. Being an SLP at the hospital can get heavy at times, and I’m very lucky to have found my path in network marketing. I’ve partnered with a luxury haircare and skincare brand and get to run my own beauty business online. I love being able to help others in a lighthearted and fun way.

What is most rewarding about the work you do? What are you passionate about?
After diving into personal development, I have come to realize that everything that ends up on my plate has the purpose of helping others, in all ways! I’m passionate about adding value to my patients and customers. Knowledge is power and being able to educate those around me, fills my cup.

Looking back, what advice would you give your 18-year-old self?
Work hard, play hard. Be your own competition. And never stop doing good and being good. Be vulnerable, be YOU! Put yourself out there, so good knows where to find you.