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Study Supports Scheck Hillel's Emphasis on Culture of Caring

A study reported by the American Psychological Association confirms the importance of a Scheck Hillel core practice: nurturing personal relationships between teachers and students. 
The findings are based on a longitudinal study in the United States that followed 20,000 participants for 13 years, from seventh grade into early adulthood. Study authors examined health outcomes and their relationship to factors such peer relationships, family background and teacher relationships. They found that, “...participants who had reported better relationships with both their peers and teachers in middle school and high school also reported better physical and mental health in their mid-20s. However, when controlled for family background by looking at pairs of siblings together, only the link between good teacher relationships and adult health remained significant.”*
Scheck Hillel’s attention to student social-emotional development places relationships with teachers at the center of its personalized approach to education. These findings suggest that the school’s investment in teacher training in areas such as Conscious Discipline and Social Emotional Learning is not only on point, but plays an important role in our students' current and future health and well-being.
*Jinho Kim, Ph.D, assistant professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, Korea University