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Delegates Compete in Virtual National Conference

Juniors Alex Bennaroch, Elie Fishman, Jacob Goldshtein, Sadie Slomovitz, Alan Wainer and Stephanie Wolak represented Scheck Hillel with distinction at this year’s YUNMUN: The annual Yeshiva University National Model United Nations conference. Upper School Judaic Studies teacher Rabbi Elie Ganz filed this report.
“Due to the understandable restrictions posed by Covid-19, what is usually a three-day jaunt to Stamford, Connecticut became a twelve-hour virtual conference this past Sunday. All available delegates (some were confined to home) came to campus dressed in smart-looking business attire, with the most amazing positive attitudes and focus. In four lengthy committee sessions they debated global politics and policy with other students from Jewish high schools around the U.S.
In the brief moments in between sessions, the students dined on kosher take-out food, binged on junk food, and otherwise did research and developed strategies with their fellow delegates. Though this program took an entire non-school day, not only were these students ambitious about their tasks, they were even grateful for the opportunity to participate. We ought to be proud of our delegates (I know I am), and give them all a hearty (socially distanced) standing ovation for their accomplishments at this year's YUNMUN conference.”
Thank you to Rabbi Ganz for leading our students every year. Participation in programs such as YUNMUN, Diller Teen Fellows, Maccabi, Centers for Initiatives in Jewish Education (CIJE) and others helps Scheck Hillel students broaden their Jewish learning and leadership skills - and expand their horizons beyond the classroom.