News Detail

A Parent's Reflection: Online Instruction

During Times Like These, a Big Thank You 

Dear Ms. Donaher,

I wanted to take some time to recognize, thank and show my appreciation to the members of our school's faculty and staff. I am sharing this as I experience a great level of pride and respect for everything you have done and continue to do during these uncertain times. 

The human qualities displayed by each faculty and staff member toward both children and parents, as well as the level of importance and attention given to make sure every child is not only educated but also focused on positive/happy ideas, show that Scheck Hillel applies the correct mindset, the right foundations and more importantly the best possible set of values. I am proud that you and your team have put in so much effort to make this happen, not only from a technical perspective to make sure everyone can connect and learn, but also to continuously provide important touch-points with us and remove stress from our households.

Moreover, I wanted to give extra kudos to my daughters' teachers and morot  for going the extra mile every day and having the best attitude towards the situation. They raise our kids' spirits each day and, consequently, ours. Special thanks to Ms. Hinkes, Mrs. Penchev, Morah Miara, Mrs. Poler, Ms. Salzberg, Mrs. Silverman, Morah Tova, Mrs. Parker, and the whole sixth grade faculty.
As parents, we are usually very quick to demand changes and to criticize many of the policies and actions that affect our kids, but  everything that our daughters have experienced during these weeks are worth maximum praise from us. Congratulations for having built and continuing to develop a great program, focused on the human side of our nature and for nurturing our kids to become even better adults.

Thanks a lot and Chag Sameach, 
Leo Gruszka (Scheck Hillel Parent)