News Detail

Day of Learning Dedicated to Yuval Miara, Z"L

On February 26, 2020, we marked Rosh Chodesh Adar 5780 in memory of Yuval Miara (יובל אליהו רפאל מיארה), z"l: Scheck Hillel Community School's former Director of Judaic Studies & Hebrew Language for our Juda and Maria Diener Lower School. He enriched our community with his joy and passion for learning and teaching, and he inspired our children and families with a deep commitment to carrying on tradition, instilling values and fostering an enduring love for and connection to Israel.
Adar is known as the month of celebration and happiness. Mishenichnas Adar marbin b'simchah. When the month of Adar arrives, we increase our joy: the perfect representation of our friend and teacher. As such, our Day of Learning and Rosh Chodesh activities here on campus were in his memory. Families were greeted with celebratory music and treats and students dedicated their classroom learning to Yuval, learned in chavruta, shared spirit week, and Shabbat B'yachad, baked Hamantaschen, united through tefilot, performed acts of kindness and celebrated a joyous time on campus.
May we all be inspired by Yuval's commitment to our children's Jewish education, b'simchah.
